Current policies
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 - Found here
Education and Care Services National Regulations - Found here
Enrolment Waiting List and Orientation Policy
Enrolment procedures form the foundation for strong relationships between families and the Preschool and promote a quality experience of education and care for children. The policy can be found here.
Fees and Levies Policy
To enable our service to provide high quality early education and care for children and maintain financial viability at all times. Please refer to the attached policy which includes the required notice to withdraw your child from the Preschool. Please refer to the Fees and Levies Policy (PDF) and the Fees and Levies Schedule (PDF).
Illness Policy
This policy provides an account for parents of what action should be taken, and what medication will be given, in the event of a child being taken ill whilst at the Preschool. Further, it outlines the circumstances under which parents/carers may be required to remove their child from the Preschool and when a doctor’s certificate will be requested. The policy can be found here.
Incident, Injury and Trauma Policy
The health and safety of children in our Preschool is the responsibility of approved providers and all educators. Policies and procedures (including documented records) must be in place to effectively manage the event of any incident, injury and/or trauma that occurs in the Preschool according to current relevant legislation. The policy can be found here.
Infectious Diseases Policy
Ensuring the health and safety of children, and staff, and supporting children’s ongoing well being. The policy can be found here.
Child Protection Policy
The Preschool provides an environment that fosters health, development, self respect and is free from violence and exploitation. The preschool is committed to implementing the Child Safe Standards in all aspects of the preschool. This policy aims to ensure that every reasonable precaution will be taken to protect children from harm while at Preschool. The policy can be found here.
Other Policies
Nutrition, Food & Dietary Requirements policy
Medication Administration policy
Medical Conditions policy
Anaphylaxis & Allergic Reaction policy
Asthma policy
Complaints Handling policy
First Aid policy
Immunisation and Vaccination policy
Governance and Management policy
Code of Conduct for Families